Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My New Favorite Place in PGH

Over the past year or so, I have really come to love gardening. I admit, I am a total novice and my experience is little to containers. But- it is a good place to start and the beauty of it is I will be able to take them with me when I move.

On Saturday the wonderful and talented Kelly Flynn told me all about Brenckle's Nursery and Greenhouse(s). Kelly inspired me to take a trip that evening, and needless to say I was stoked! After browsing the massive selections of flowers, herbs and veggies I took my newest treasures home.

I got to work Sunday morning and summerfied the coop*. Who need digging in the dirt could be so fantastic?

*coop- is our apartment which once upon a time housed a chicken coop and a slaughterhouse.